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Essential Oils are the part of a plant that is necessary for it to have life. It is the "essence" of the plant. Essential Oils work at the cellular level and thus are very unique. Instead of masking symptoms, they actually work to correct the problem. They are able to pass throukgh our skin, to our blood, and into our brain. The molecules are able to get into our bloodstream just by smelling them.


We get the oils from plants through a process called distillation. Low temperature steam and pressure are applied to the plants which allows extraction of the oils.


Something important to note about Young Living's Essential Oils is that they are Therapeutic Grade. Most of the oils you will find in stores are either aroma or food grade oils, which means they don't have as powerful healing properties as therapeutic grade oils. If distilled at the wrong temperature, or for the wrong amount of time, the oils lose their healing properties.Young Living is the only company in the world that owns their own farms, so they can be sure that there are never any synthetics, or anything else added to the oils, and that the distillation process is done proper.

What Are Essential Oils?

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Sign Up Here and be sure to enter member # 1671443 in the Sponser and Enroller ID boxes.


Please contact me if you have any questions.

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